
Rated voltage, V              28

Maximum load current, А 80

The direction of rotation of the shaft on the drive side to right

Protection level                 IР1Х

Weight of alternator, kg    6.8

Alternator 3112.3771-20

It is designed for operation as electrical energy source in parallel with battery in electrical equipment system of vehicles produced by ЯМЗ-8503. «Promtractor» with engines ЯМЗ-236Б-2
Alternator refers to recycling products
Alternator is produced in accordance with Tech.Spec.37.463.155-98
Adjustable voltage load current I=27 А, n=5000 min-1, Т=(25±10)°С: from 27,8 to 29 V.

  Connection diagram of electrical circuit                                         Current speed characteristics

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